Interface: ContentConfig
The properties that define the content of the current project.
• activeEditor: undefined
| EditorId
Selects the active editor to show.
Defaults to the last used editor for user, otherwise "markup"
Defined in
• cssPreset: CssPresetId
CSS Preset to use.
Defined in
• customSettings: Object
Defines custom settings for the current project.
Type declaration
Name | Type |
Binary | any |
C | any |
adoc | any |
art | any |
art-template | any |
as | any |
asc | any |
asciidoc | any |
assemblyscript | any |
astro | any |
autoprefixer | any |
babel | any |
bb | any |
bbcode | any |
blockly | any |
blockly.xml | any |
c | any |
c++ | any |
civet | any |
clang | any |
clang.cpp | any |
clio | any |
clj | any |
cljc | any |
cljs | any |
clojure | any |
clojurescript | any |
coffee | any |
coffeescript | any |
common-lisp | any |
commonlisp | any |
convertCommonjs? | boolean |
cp | any |
cpp | any |
cpp-wasm | any |
cppm | any |
cppwasm | any |
csharp | any |
css | any |
cssmodules | any |
cssnano | any |
cwasm | any |
cxx | any |
defaultCDN? | CDN |
diagram | any |
diagrams | any |
dot | any |
edn | any |
ejs | any |
es | any |
eta | any |
fennel | any |
flow | any |
fnl | any |
gleam | any |
go | any |
golang | any |
graph | any |
h | any |
haml | any |
handlebars | any |
hbs | any |
hpp | any |
htm | any |
html | any |
ii | any |
imba | any |
imports? | Record <string , string > |
ixx | any |
jade | any |
javascript | any |
jl | any |
js | any |
json | any |
jsx | any |
julia | any |
less | any |
lightningcss | any |
liquid | any |
liquidjs | any |
lisp | any |
livescript | any |
ls | any |
lua | any |
lua-wasm | any |
luawasm | any |
malina | any |
malinajs | any |
mapImports? | boolean |
markdown | any |
md | any |
mdown | any |
mdx | any |
mjml | any |
mkdn | any |
ml | any |
mli | any |
mustache | any |
njk | any |
nunjucks | any |
ocaml | any |
perl | any |
pg | any |
pg.sql | any |
pglite | any |
pglite.sql | any |
pgsql | any |
pgsql.sql | any |
php | any |
php-wasm | any |
phpwasm | any |
pintora | any |
pl | any |
plt | any |
pm | any |
postcss | any |
postcssImportUrl | any |
postcssPresetEnv | any |
postgre.sql | any |
postgres | any |
postgresql | any |
postgresql.sql | any |
prolog | any | | any |
pug | any |
purgecss | any |
py | any |
py-wasm | any |
py3 | any |
pyodide | any |
python | any |
python-wasm | any |
pythonwasm | any |
pywasm | any |
r | any |
r-wasm | any |
rb | any |
re | any |
react | any |
react-jsx | any |
react-native | any |
react-native-tsx | any |
react-native.jsx | any |
react-native.tsx | any |
react-tsx | any |
react.jsx | any |
react.tsx | any |
reason | any |
rei | any |
res | any |
rescript | any |
resi | any |
rich | any |
richtext | any |
riot | any |
riotjs | any |
rlang | any |
rstats | any |
rte | any |
rte.html | any |
ruby | any |
ruby-wasm | any |
rubywasm | any |
sass | any |
scheme | any |
scm | any |
scriptType? | "" | "module" | "text/liquid" | "text/python" | "text/r" | "text/ruby-wasm" | "text/x-uniter-php" | "text/php-wasm" | "text/cpp" | "text/perl" | "text/julia" | "text/biwascheme" | "text/commonlisp" | "text/tcl" | "text/prolog" | "application/json" | "application/lua" | "text/fennel" | "application/wasm-uint8" | "application/javascript" | "application/ecmascript" | "text/javascript" | "text/ecmascript" |
scss | any |
solid | any |
solid.jsx | any |
solid.tsx | any |
sql | any |
sqlite | any |
sqlite3 | any |
stencil | any |
stencil.tsx | any |
styl | any |
stylis | any |
stylus | any |
sucrase | any |
svelte | any |
tailwindcss | any |
tcl | any |
teal | any |
template? | { data? : any ; prerender? : boolean } | | any |
template.prerender? | boolean |
tl | any |
tokencss | any |
ts | any |
tsx | any |
twig | any |
types? | Types |
typescript | any |
unocss | any |
vento | any |
vto | any |
vue | any |
vue2 | any |
vue3 | any |
wasm | any |
wasm.cpp | any |
wasm.lua | any |
wasm.php | any | | any |
wasm.rb | any |
wast | any |
wat | any |
webassembly | any |
windicss | any |
xht | any |
xml | any |
Defined in
• description: string
Project description. Used in project search and result page description meta tag.
Defined in
• head: string
Content added to the result page <head>
'<meta charset="UTF-8" />\n<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />'
Defined in
• htmlAttrs: string
| Record
, string
Attributes added to the result page <html>
It can be an object or a string.
{ lang: "en", class: "dark" }
'lang="en" class="dark"'
Defined in
• imports: Object
Allows specifying custom import maps for module imports.
Setting imports
like this:
"imports": {
"moment": "[email protected]/dist/moment.js"
results in the following import map:
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"moment": "[email protected]/dist/moment.js"
See docs for Imports and Custom Module Resolution
Index signature
▪ [key: string
]: string
Defined in
• languages: undefined
| ("reason"
| "stylus"
| "r"
| "html"
| "ruby"
| "rb"
| "json"
| "teal"
| "solid"
| "flow"
| "dot"
| "as"
| "go"
| "htm"
| "markdown"
| "md"
| "mdown"
| "mkdn"
| "mdx"
| "astro"
| "pug"
| "jade"
| "haml"
| "asciidoc"
| "adoc"
| "asc"
| "mustache"
| "handlebars"
| "hbs"
| "ejs"
| "eta"
| "nunjucks"
| "njk"
| "liquid"
| "liquidjs"
| "twig"
| "vento"
| "vto"
| "art-template"
| "art"
| "bbcode"
| "bb"
| "mjml"
| "diagrams"
| "diagram"
| "graph"
| "plt"
| "richtext"
| "rte"
| "rich"
| "rte.html"
| "css"
| "scss"
| "sass"
| "less"
| "styl"
| "stylis"
| "postcss"
| "javascript"
| "js"
| "babel"
| "es"
| "sucrase"
| "typescript"
| "ts"
| "jsx"
| "tsx"
| "react"
| "react-jsx"
| "react.jsx"
| "react-tsx"
| "react.tsx"
| "react-native"
| "react-native.jsx"
| "react-native-tsx"
| "react-native.tsx"
| "vue"
| "vue3"
| "vue2"
| "svelte"
| "stencil"
| "stencil.tsx"
| "solid.jsx"
| "solid.tsx"
| "riot"
| "riotjs"
| "malina"
| "malinajs"
| "xht"
| "coffeescript"
| "coffee"
| "livescript"
| "ls"
| "civet"
| "clio"
| "imba"
| "assemblyscript"
| "python"
| "py"
| "pyodide"
| "python-wasm"
| "py-wasm"
| "pythonwasm"
| "pywasm"
| "py3"
| ""
| "rlang"
| "rstats"
| "r-wasm"
| "ruby-wasm"
| "wasm.rb"
| "rubywasm"
| "golang"
| "php"
| "php-wasm"
| "phpwasm"
| "wasm.php"
| "cpp"
| "c"
| "C"
| "cp"
| "cxx"
| "c++"
| "cppm"
| "ixx"
| "ii"
| "hpp"
| "h"
| "cpp-wasm"
| "cppwasm"
| "cwasm"
| "wasm.cpp"
| "clang"
| "clang.cpp"
| "perl"
| "pl"
| "pm"
| "lua"
| "lua-wasm"
| "luawasm"
| "wasm.lua"
| "tl"
| "fennel"
| "fnl"
| "julia"
| "jl"
| "scheme"
| "scm"
| "commonlisp"
| "common-lisp"
| "lisp"
| "clojurescript"
| "clojure"
| "cljs"
| "clj"
| "cljc"
| "edn"
| "gleam"
| "rescript"
| "res"
| "resi"
| "re"
| "rei"
| "ocaml"
| "ml"
| "mli"
| "tcl"
| "wat"
| "wast"
| "webassembly"
| "wasm"
| "Binary"
| "csharp"
| "sql"
| "sqlite"
| "sqlite3"
| "pg.sql"
| "pgsql.sql"
| "pgsql"
| "pg"
| "pglite"
| "pglite.sql"
| "postgresql"
| "postgres"
| "postgre.sql"
| "postgresql.sql"
| ""
| "prolog"
| "blockly"
| "blockly.xml"
| "xml"
| "pintora"
| "tailwindcss"
| "postcssImportUrl"
| "windicss"
| "unocss"
| "tokencss"
| "lightningcss"
| "autoprefixer"
| "postcssPresetEnv"
| "cssmodules"
| "purgecss"
| "cssnano"
List of enabled languages.
Defaults to all supported languages in full app and only current editor languages in embeds.
Defined in
• markup: Object
An object that configures the language and content of the markup editor.
See docs for details.
{ language: "html", content: "" }
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
content? | string | The initial content of the code editor. Default ts "" |
contentUrl? | string | A URL to load content from. It has to be a valid URL that is CORS-enabled. The URL is only fetched if content property had no value. |
hiddenContent? | string | Hidden content that gets evaluated without being visible in the code editor. This can be useful in embedded playgrounds (e.g. for adding helper functions, utilities or tests) |
hiddenContentUrl? | string | A URL to load hiddenContent from. It has to be a valid URL that is CORS-enabled. The URL is only fetched if hiddenContent property had no value. |
hideTitle? | boolean | If true , the title of the code editor is hidden, however its code is still evaluated. This can be useful in embedded playgrounds (e.g. for hiding unnecessary code). |
language | Language | A language name, extension or alias (as defined in language documentations). For the list of supported values, see Language |
position? | EditorPosition | The initial position of the cursor in the code editor. Example ts {lineNumber: 5, column: 10} |
selector? | string | A CSS selector to load content from DOM import. |
title? | string | If set, this is used as the title of the editor in the UI, overriding the default title set to the language name (e.g. "Python" can be used instead of "Py (Wasm)" ). |
Defined in
• processors: Processor
List of enabled CSS processors.
For the list of available processors, see Processor
Defined in
• script: Object
An object that configures the language and content of the script editor.
See docs for details.
{ language: "javascript", content: "" }
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
content? | string | The initial content of the code editor. Default ts "" |
contentUrl? | string | A URL to load content from. It has to be a valid URL that is CORS-enabled. The URL is only fetched if content property had no value. |
hiddenContent? | string | Hidden content that gets evaluated without being visible in the code editor. This can be useful in embedded playgrounds (e.g. for adding helper functions, utilities or tests) |
hiddenContentUrl? | string | A URL to load hiddenContent from. It has to be a valid URL that is CORS-enabled. The URL is only fetched if hiddenContent property had no value. |
hideTitle? | boolean | If true , the title of the code editor is hidden, however its code is still evaluated. This can be useful in embedded playgrounds (e.g. for hiding unnecessary code). |
language | Language | A language name, extension or alias (as defined in language documentations). For the list of supported values, see Language |
position? | EditorPosition | The initial position of the cursor in the code editor. Example ts {lineNumber: 5, column: 10} |
selector? | string | A CSS selector to load content from DOM import. |
title? | string | If set, this is used as the title of the editor in the UI, overriding the default title set to the language name (e.g. "Python" can be used instead of "Py (Wasm)" ). |
Defined in
• scripts: string
List of URLs for external scripts to add to the result page.
Defined in
• style: Object
An object that configures the language and content of the style editor.
See docs for details.
{ language: "css", content: "" }
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
content? | string | The initial content of the code editor. Default ts "" |
contentUrl? | string | A URL to load content from. It has to be a valid URL that is CORS-enabled. The URL is only fetched if content property had no value. |
hiddenContent? | string | Hidden content that gets evaluated without being visible in the code editor. This can be useful in embedded playgrounds (e.g. for adding helper functions, utilities or tests) |
hiddenContentUrl? | string | A URL to load hiddenContent from. It has to be a valid URL that is CORS-enabled. The URL is only fetched if hiddenContent property had no value. |
hideTitle? | boolean | If true , the title of the code editor is hidden, however its code is still evaluated. This can be useful in embedded playgrounds (e.g. for hiding unnecessary code). |
language | Language | A language name, extension or alias (as defined in language documentations). For the list of supported values, see Language |
position? | EditorPosition | The initial position of the cursor in the code editor. Example ts {lineNumber: 5, column: 10} |
selector? | string | A CSS selector to load content from DOM import. |
title? | string | If set, this is used as the title of the editor in the UI, overriding the default title set to the language name (e.g. "Python" can be used instead of "Py (Wasm)" ). |
Defined in
• stylesheets: string
List of URLs for external stylesheets to add to the result page.
Defined in
• tags: string
Project tags. Used in project filter and search.
Defined in
• tests: undefined
| { content?
: string
; contentUrl?
: string
; hiddenContent?
: string
; hiddenContentUrl?
: string
; hideTitle?
: boolean
; language?
: Language
; position?
: EditorPosition
; selector?
: string
; title?
: string
Configures the language and content of tests.
Defined in
• title: string
Project title. This is used as result page title and title meta tag. Also used in project search.
"Untitled Project"
Defined in
• types: Object
Allows providing custom TypeScript type declarations for better editor intellisense.
It is an object where each key represents module name and value represents the types.
See docs for Types and Custom Types
"types": {
"my-demo-lib": "https://my-custom-domain/my-type-declarations.d.ts"
"types": {
"my-demo-lib": {
"url": "https://my-custom-domain/types.d.ts",
"autoload": true,
"declareAsModule": true
Defined in
• Readonly
version: string
This is a read-only property which specifies the current LiveCodes version.
Version specified in exported projects allows automatically upgrading the project configuration when imported by an app with a newer version.