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The term "language" used in these documentations refer to any technology (in addition to web languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript), that needs some form of transformation/compilation to run in the browser.

LiveCodes provides support for a wide range of languages, which include (but not limited to):

  • Syntax used by web libraries/frameworks (e.g. JSX, TSX, Vue SFC, Svelte SFC, MDX, Astro).
  • Languages that transpile to JavaScript (e.g. TypeScript, CoffeeScript, LiveScript, ReScript).
  • Languages/frameworks that generate CSS (e.g. SCSS, Less, Stylus, Tailwind CSS, UnoCSS).
  • CSS processors (e.g. PostCSS, Autoprefixer, Lightning CSS, CSS Modules, cssnano)
  • Traditional programming languages (e.g. Python, Ruby, Go, PHP, C++, R, Lua, Scheme, Perl).
  • Data manipulation/logic languages (e.g. SQL, Prolog).
  • Authoring/templating languages (e.g Markdown, AsciiDoc, Pug, Handlebars, Haml).
  • Low-code/visual editors (e.g. blockly, rich text editor).
  • Modeling languages/diagram-as-code (e.g. Gnuplot, Graphviz, Mermaid, Vega, Plotly).
  • Languages that target WebAssembly (e.g. AssemblyScript, WebAssembly Text Format)
  • ... and others.

Below is the full list of supported languages with documentations for usage in LiveCodes.

Language List