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CSS Modules

A CSS Module is a CSS file in which all class names and animation names are scoped locally by default.

The selector names are unique to avoid naming collision. They can then be imported as a JavaScript object.


CSS Modules can be enabled from the style editor menu.

Selectors added to the style editor (using any language e.g. CSS, SCSS, Less, etc.) are transformed to unique selectors. The transformed classes are then accessible in the script editor as a JSON object, and are injected into the HTML elements.


:global .page {
padding: 20px;

.text {
color: black;
font-family: sans-serif;

.small-text {
composes: text;
font-size: 20px;

.large-text {
composes: text;
font-size: 40px;

.large-text:hover {
color: red;

.title {
composes: large-text;
color: green;

In the script editor, the JSON object representing the transformed classes can be imported from the relative URLs './style.module.css' or './styles.module.css'.

Default, named and namespace imports are supported. Class names are also available in camelCase (e.g .large-text becomes largeText). This can be changed by setting localsConvention in custom settings.


In script editor (using JS in this case):
import classes from './style.module.css';
import { smallText } from './styles.module.css';
import * as allClasses from './styles.module.css';


// .small-text -> smallText

// .large-text -> largeText

// bracket notation for class with dash

For full example, see example usage below.


CSS Modules has to be enabled (from style editor menu), to be able to import classes in the script editor.

Importing a URL that does not include .module (e.g. ./style.css) gets the processed CSS string as the module's default export.

The extension of the style editor language can also be used, in addition to .css. For example, when using SCSS, importing from any of the following URLs is the same:

  • ./style.module.css
  • ./styles.module.css
  • ./style.module.scss
  • ./styles.module.scss

Language Info








The CSS Modules processor is provided using postcss-modules as a PostCSS plugin.


postcss-modules: v6.0.0

Custom Settings

Custom settings added to the property cssmodules are passed as a JSON object to the postcss-modules plugin during compile. Please check the documentation for full reference.

In addition, the following settings are available:

  • addClassesToHTML

    Type: boolean. Default: true.

    The generated classes are injected into the HTML elements, so the styles are applied without having to assign them using JavaScript.

  • removeOriginalClasses

    Type: boolean. Default: false.

    When enabled, the original classes are removed from HTML, keeping only the generated classes. Only applies if addClassesToHTML is enabled.

Please note that custom settings should be valid JSON (i.e. functions are not allowed).


"cssmodules": {
"exportGlobals": true,
"localsConvention": "camelCaseOnly",
"addClassesToHTML": false


Currently, loading external sources in composes is not supported.

/* you cannot do this */
.title {
composes: title from '';

If you get this working, please create a pull request.

Example Usage

show code
import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

const options = {
"params": {
"activeEditor": "style",
"html": "<div class=\"page\">\n <h1>Page Title</h1>\n <p class=\"small-text\">Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore earum blanditiis quidem non beatae ipsam autem maiores ut et delectus unde repudiandae, repellendus aut. Aspernatur similique facere facilis minima tempora.</p>\n</div>\n",
"css": ":global .page {\n padding: 20px;\n}\n\n.text {\n color: black;\n font-family: sans-serif;\n}\n\n.small-text {\n composes: text;\n font-size: 20px;\n}\n\n.large-text {\n composes: text;\n font-size: 40px;\n}\n\n.large-text:hover {\n color: red;\n}\n\n.title {\n composes: large-text;\n color: green;\n}\n",
"js": "import classes from './style.module.css';\n\ndocument.querySelector('h1').className = classes.title;\nconsole.log(classes);\n",
"processors": "cssmodules",
"compiled": "open"
createPlayground('#container', options);