Interface: EmbedOptions
An object that represents the playground embed options.
See docs for details.
• Optional
appUrl: string
Allows loading the playground from a custom URL (e.g. a self-hosted app or a permanent URL).
If supplied with an invalid URL, an error is thrown.
Defined in
• Optional
config: string
| Partial
A configuration object or a URL to a JSON file representing a configuration object to load.
If supplied and is not an object or a valid URL, an error is thrown.
Defined in
• Optional
headless: boolean
If true
, the playground is loaded in headless mode.
Defined in
• Optional
import: string
A resource to import (from any of the supported sources).
Defined in
• Optional
lite: boolean
Use { config: { mode: "lite" } }
If true
, the playground is loaded in lite mode.
Defined in
• Optional
loading: "click"
| "eager"
| "lazy"
Sets how the playground loads:
: The playground loads immediately."lazy"
: A playground embedded low down in the page will not load until the user scrolls so that it approaches the viewport."click"
: The playground does not load automatically. Instead, a "Click-to-load" screen is shown.
Defined in
• Optional
params: Object
An object that represents the URL Query parameters, that can be used to configure the playground.
These 2 snippets produce similar output:
import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';
// use config
createPlayground('#container', {
config: {
markup: {
language: 'markdown',
content: '# Hello World!',
// use params
createPlayground('#container', { params: { md: '# Hello World!' } });
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
Binary | undefined | string | - |
Binary-selector | undefined | string | - |
C | undefined | string | - |
C-selector | undefined | string | - |
active? | 0 | 2 | 1 | EditorId | - |
activeEditor? | 0 | 2 | 1 | EditorId | - |
adoc | undefined | string | - |
adoc-selector | undefined | string | - |
allowLangChange? | boolean | If false , the UI will not show the menu that allows changing editor language. Default ts true |
appLanguage? | AppLanguage | Sets the app UI language used. |
appUrl? | string | Allows loading the playground from a custom URL (e.g. a self-hosted app or a permanent URL). If supplied with an invalid URL, an error is thrown. Default ts '' |
art | undefined | string | - |
art-selector | undefined | string | - |
art-template | undefined | string | - |
art-template-selector | undefined | string | - |
as | undefined | string | - |
as-selector | undefined | string | - |
asc | undefined | string | - |
asc-selector | undefined | string | - |
asciidoc | undefined | string | - |
asciidoc-selector | undefined | string | - |
assemblyscript | undefined | string | - |
assemblyscript-selector | undefined | string | - |
astro | undefined | string | - |
astro-selector | undefined | string | - |
autosave? | boolean | If true , the project is automatically saved on code change, after time delay. Default ts false |
autotest? | boolean | If true , the project is watched for code changes which trigger tests to auto-run. Default ts false |
autoupdate? | boolean | If true , the result page is automatically updated on code change, after time delay. Default ts true |
babel | undefined | string | - |
babel-selector | undefined | string | - |
bb | undefined | string | - |
bb-selector | undefined | string | - |
bbcode | undefined | string | - |
bbcode-selector | undefined | string | - |
blockly | undefined | string | - |
blockly-selector | undefined | string | - |
blockly.xml | undefined | string | - |
blockly.xml-selector | undefined | string | - |
c | undefined | string | - |
c++ | undefined | string | - |
c++-selector | undefined | string | - |
c-selector | undefined | string | - |
civet | undefined | string | - |
civet-selector | undefined | string | - |
clang | undefined | string | - |
clang-selector | undefined | string | - |
clang.cpp | undefined | string | - |
clang.cpp-selector | undefined | string | - |
clio | undefined | string | - |
clio-selector | undefined | string | - |
clj | undefined | string | - |
clj-selector | undefined | string | - |
cljc | undefined | string | - |
cljc-selector | undefined | string | - |
cljs | undefined | string | - |
cljs-selector | undefined | string | - |
clojure | undefined | string | - |
clojure-selector | undefined | string | - |
clojurescript | undefined | string | - |
clojurescript-selector | undefined | string | - |
closeBrackets? | boolean | Use auto-complete to close brackets and quotes. Default ts true |
coffee | undefined | string | - |
coffee-selector | undefined | string | - |
coffeescript | undefined | string | - |
coffeescript-selector | undefined | string | - |
common-lisp | undefined | string | - |
common-lisp-selector | undefined | string | - |
commonlisp | undefined | string | - |
commonlisp-selector | undefined | string | - |
compiled | undefined | "" | "none" | "closed" | "open" | "full" | "true" | - |
config? | string | Partial <Config > & string | A configuration object or a URL to a JSON file representing a configuration object to load. If supplied and is not an object or a valid URL, an error is thrown. Default ts {} |
console | undefined | "" | "none" | "closed" | "open" | "full" | "true" | - |
cp | undefined | string | - |
cp-selector | undefined | string | - |
cpp | undefined | string | - |
cpp-selector | undefined | string | - |
cpp-wasm | undefined | string | - |
cpp-wasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
cppm | undefined | string | - |
cppm-selector | undefined | string | - |
cppwasm | undefined | string | - |
cppwasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
csharp | undefined | string | - |
csharp-selector | undefined | string | - |
css | undefined | string | - |
css-selector | undefined | string | - |
cssPreset? | CssPresetId | CSS Preset to use. |
customSettings? | { Binary : any ; C : any ; adoc : any ; art : any ; art-template : any ; as : any ; asc : any ; asciidoc : any ; assemblyscript : any ; astro : any ; autoprefixer : any ; babel : any ; bb : any ; bbcode : any ; blockly : any ; blockly.xml : any ; c : any ; c++ : any ; civet : any ; clang : any ; clang.cpp : any ; clio : any ; clj : any ; cljc : any ; cljs : any ; clojure : any ; clojurescript : any ; coffee : any ; coffeescript : any ; common-lisp : any ; commonlisp : any ; convertCommonjs? : boolean ; cp : any ; cpp : any ; cpp-wasm : any ; cppm : any ; cppwasm : any ; csharp : any ; css : any ; cssmodules : any ; cssnano : any ; cwasm : any ; cxx : any ; defaultCDN? : CDN ; diagram : any ; diagrams : any ; dot : any ; edn : any ; ejs : any ; es : any ; eta : any ; fennel : any ; flow : any ; fnl : any ; gleam : any ; go : any ; golang : any ; graph : any ; h : any ; haml : any ; handlebars : any ; hbs : any ; hpp : any ; htm : any ; html : any ; ii : any ; imba : any ; imports? : Record <string , string > ; ixx : any ; jade : any ; javascript : any ; jl : any ; js : any ; json : any ; jsx : any ; julia : any ; less : any ; lightningcss : any ; liquid : any ; liquidjs : any ; lisp : any ; livescript : any ; ls : any ; lua : any ; lua-wasm : any ; luawasm : any ; malina : any ; malinajs : any ; mapImports? : boolean ; markdown : any ; md : any ; mdown : any ; mdx : any ; mjml : any ; mkdn : any ; ml : any ; mli : any ; mustache : any ; njk : any ; nunjucks : any ; ocaml : any ; perl : any ; pg : any ; pg.sql : any ; pglite : any ; pglite.sql : any ; pgsql : any ; pgsql.sql : any ; php : any ; php-wasm : any ; phpwasm : any ; pintora : any ; pl : any ; plt : any ; pm : any ; postcss : any ; postcssImportUrl : any ; postcssPresetEnv : any ; postgre.sql : any ; postgres : any ; postgresql : any ; postgresql.sql : any ; prolog : any ; : any ; pug : any ; purgecss : any ; py : any ; py-wasm : any ; py3 : any ; pyodide : any ; python : any ; python-wasm : any ; pythonwasm : any ; pywasm : any ; r : any ; r-wasm : any ; rb : any ; re : any ; react : any ; react-jsx : any ; react-native : any ; react-native-tsx : any ; react-native.jsx : any ; react-native.tsx : any ; react-tsx : any ; react.jsx : any ; react.tsx : any ; reason : any ; rei : any ; res : any ; rescript : any ; resi : any ; rich : any ; richtext : any ; riot : any ; riotjs : any ; rlang : any ; rstats : any ; rte : any ; rte.html : any ; ruby : any ; ruby-wasm : any ; rubywasm : any ; sass : any ; scheme : any ; scm : any ; scriptType? : "" | "module" | "text/liquid" | "text/python" | "text/r" | "text/ruby-wasm" | "text/x-uniter-php" | "text/php-wasm" | "text/cpp" | "text/perl" | "text/julia" | "text/biwascheme" | "text/commonlisp" | "text/tcl" | "text/prolog" | "application/json" | "application/lua" | "text/fennel" | "application/wasm-uint8" | "application/javascript" | "application/ecmascript" | "text/javascript" | "text/ecmascript" ; scss : any ; solid : any ; solid.jsx : any ; solid.tsx : any ; sql : any ; sqlite : any ; sqlite3 : any ; stencil : any ; stencil.tsx : any ; styl : any ; stylis : any ; stylus : any ; sucrase : any ; svelte : any ; tailwindcss : any ; tcl : any ; teal : any ; template? : { data? : any ; prerender? : boolean } ; tl : any ; tokencss : any ; ts : any ; tsx : any ; twig : any ; types? : Types ; typescript : any ; unocss : any ; vento : any ; vto : any ; vue : any ; vue2 : any ; vue3 : any ; wasm : any ; wasm.cpp : any ; wasm.lua : any ; wasm.php : any ; : any ; wasm.rb : any ; wast : any ; wat : any ; webassembly : any ; windicss : any ; xht : any ; xml : any } | Defines custom settings for the current project. |
customSettings.Binary | any | - |
customSettings.C | any | - |
customSettings.adoc | any | - | | any | - | | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.asc | any | - |
customSettings.asciidoc | any | - |
customSettings.assemblyscript | any | - |
customSettings.astro | any | - |
customSettings.autoprefixer | any | - |
customSettings.babel | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.bbcode | any | - |
customSettings.blockly | any | - |
customSettings.blockly.xml | any | - |
customSettings.c | any | - |
customSettings.c++ | any | - |
customSettings.civet | any | - |
customSettings.clang | any | - |
customSettings.clang.cpp | any | - |
customSettings.clio | any | - |
customSettings.clj | any | - |
customSettings.cljc | any | - |
customSettings.cljs | any | - |
customSettings.clojure | any | - |
customSettings.clojurescript | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.coffeescript | any | - |
customSettings.common-lisp | any | - |
customSettings.commonlisp | any | - |
customSettings.convertCommonjs? | boolean | - |
customSettings.cp | any | - |
customSettings.cpp | any | - |
customSettings.cpp-wasm | any | - |
customSettings.cppm | any | - |
customSettings.cppwasm | any | - |
customSettings.csharp | any | - |
customSettings.css | any | - |
customSettings.cssmodules | any | - |
customSettings.cssnano | any | - |
customSettings.cwasm | any | - |
customSettings.cxx | any | - |
customSettings.defaultCDN? | CDN | - |
customSettings.diagram | any | - |
customSettings.diagrams | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.edn | any | - |
customSettings.ejs | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.eta | any | - |
customSettings.fennel | any | - |
customSettings.flow | any | - |
customSettings.fnl | any | - |
customSettings.gleam | any | - |
customSettings.go | any | - |
customSettings.golang | any | - |
customSettings.graph | any | - |
customSettings.h | any | - |
customSettings.haml | any | - |
customSettings.handlebars | any | - |
customSettings.hbs | any | - |
customSettings.hpp | any | - |
customSettings.htm | any | - |
customSettings.html | any | - |
customSettings.ii | any | - |
customSettings.imba | any | - |
customSettings.imports? | Record <string , string > | - |
customSettings.ixx | any | - |
customSettings.jade | any | - |
customSettings.javascript | any | - |
customSettings.jl | any | - |
customSettings.js | any | - |
customSettings.json | any | - |
customSettings.jsx | any | - |
customSettings.julia | any | - |
customSettings.less | any | - |
customSettings.lightningcss | any | - |
customSettings.liquid | any | - |
customSettings.liquidjs | any | - |
customSettings.lisp | any | - |
customSettings.livescript | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.lua | any | - |
customSettings.lua-wasm | any | - |
customSettings.luawasm | any | - |
customSettings.malina | any | - |
customSettings.malinajs | any | - |
customSettings.mapImports? | boolean | - |
customSettings.markdown | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.mdown | any | - |
customSettings.mdx | any | - |
customSettings.mjml | any | - |
customSettings.mkdn | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.mli | any | - |
customSettings.mustache | any | - |
customSettings.njk | any | - |
customSettings.nunjucks | any | - |
customSettings.ocaml | any | - |
customSettings.perl | any | - | | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.pglite | any | - |
customSettings.pglite.sql | any | - |
customSettings.pgsql | any | - |
customSettings.pgsql.sql | any | - |
customSettings.php | any | - |
customSettings.php-wasm | any | - |
customSettings.phpwasm | any | - |
customSettings.pintora | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.plt | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.postcss | any | - |
customSettings.postcssImportUrl | any | - |
customSettings.postcssPresetEnv | any | - |
customSettings.postgre.sql | any | - |
customSettings.postgres | any | - |
customSettings.postgresql | any | - |
customSettings.postgresql.sql | any | - |
customSettings.prolog | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.pug | any | - |
customSettings.purgecss | any | - | | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.py3 | any | - |
customSettings.pyodide | any | - |
customSettings.python | any | - |
customSettings.python-wasm | any | - |
customSettings.pythonwasm | any | - |
customSettings.pywasm | any | - |
customSettings.r | any | - |
customSettings.r-wasm | any | - |
customSettings.rb | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.react | any | - |
customSettings.react-jsx | any | - |
customSettings.react-native | any | - |
customSettings.react-native-tsx | any | - |
customSettings.react-native.jsx | any | - |
customSettings.react-native.tsx | any | - |
customSettings.react-tsx | any | - |
customSettings.react.jsx | any | - |
customSettings.react.tsx | any | - |
customSettings.reason | any | - |
customSettings.rei | any | - |
customSettings.res | any | - |
customSettings.rescript | any | - |
customSettings.resi | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.richtext | any | - |
customSettings.riot | any | - |
customSettings.riotjs | any | - |
customSettings.rlang | any | - |
customSettings.rstats | any | - |
customSettings.rte | any | - |
customSettings.rte.html | any | - |
customSettings.ruby | any | - |
customSettings.ruby-wasm | any | - |
customSettings.rubywasm | any | - |
customSettings.sass | any | - |
customSettings.scheme | any | - |
customSettings.scm | any | - |
customSettings.scriptType? | "" | "module" | "text/liquid" | "text/python" | "text/r" | "text/ruby-wasm" | "text/x-uniter-php" | "text/php-wasm" | "text/cpp" | "text/perl" | "text/julia" | "text/biwascheme" | "text/commonlisp" | "text/tcl" | "text/prolog" | "application/json" | "application/lua" | "text/fennel" | "application/wasm-uint8" | "application/javascript" | "application/ecmascript" | "text/javascript" | "text/ecmascript" | - |
customSettings.scss | any | - |
customSettings.solid | any | - |
customSettings.solid.jsx | any | - |
customSettings.solid.tsx | any | - |
customSettings.sql | any | - |
customSettings.sqlite | any | - |
customSettings.sqlite3 | any | - |
customSettings.stencil | any | - |
customSettings.stencil.tsx | any | - |
customSettings.styl | any | - |
customSettings.stylis | any | - |
customSettings.stylus | any | - |
customSettings.sucrase | any | - |
customSettings.svelte | any | - |
customSettings.tailwindcss | any | - |
customSettings.tcl | any | - |
customSettings.teal | any | - |
customSettings.template? | { data? : any ; prerender? : boolean } | - | | any | - |
customSettings.template.prerender? | boolean | - | | any | - |
customSettings.tokencss | any | - |
customSettings.ts | any | - |
customSettings.tsx | any | - |
customSettings.twig | any | - |
customSettings.types? | Types | - |
customSettings.typescript | any | - |
customSettings.unocss | any | - |
customSettings.vento | any | - |
customSettings.vto | any | - |
customSettings.vue | any | - |
customSettings.vue2 | any | - |
customSettings.vue3 | any | - |
customSettings.wasm | any | - |
customSettings.wasm.cpp | any | - |
customSettings.wasm.lua | any | - |
customSettings.wasm.php | any | - | | any | - |
customSettings.wasm.rb | any | - |
customSettings.wast | any | - |
customSettings.wat | any | - |
customSettings.webassembly | any | - |
customSettings.windicss | any | - |
customSettings.xht | any | - |
customSettings.xml | any | - |
cwasm | undefined | string | - |
cwasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
cxx | undefined | string | - |
cxx-selector | undefined | string | - |
delay? | number | Time delay (in milliseconds) following code change, after which the result page is updated (if autoupdate is true ) and/or the project is saved (if autosave is true ). Default ts 1500 |
description? | string | Project description. Used in project search and result page description meta tag. Default ts "" |
diagram | undefined | string | - |
diagram-selector | undefined | string | - |
diagrams | undefined | string | - |
diagrams-selector | undefined | string | - |
disableAI? | boolean | - |
dot | undefined | string | - |
dot-selector | undefined | string | - |
editor? | "monaco" | "codemirror" | "codejar" | Selects the code editor to use. If undefined (the default), Monaco editor is used on desktop, CodeMirror is used on mobile and CodeJar is used in codeblocks, in lite mode and in readonly playgrounds. Default ts undefined |
editorMode? | "vim" | "emacs" | Sets editor mode. |
editorTheme? | string | EditorTheme [] | Sets the code editor themes. See docs for editor themes for details. Example ts "vs" Example ts "monaco:twilight, codemirror:one-dark" Example ts ["vs@light"] Example ts ["vs@light", "vs-dark@dark"] Example ts ["monaco:vs@light", "codemirror:github-light@light", "dracula@dark"] |
edn | undefined | string | - |
edn-selector | undefined | string | - |
ejs | undefined | string | - |
ejs-selector | undefined | string | - |
embed? | boolean | - |
emmet? | boolean | Enables Emmet. Default ts true |
enableAI? | boolean | If true , AI code assistant is enabled. Default ts false |
es | undefined | string | - |
es-selector | undefined | string | - |
eta | undefined | string | - |
eta-selector | undefined | string | - |
fennel | undefined | string | - |
fennel-selector | undefined | string | - |
files? | string | - |
flow | undefined | string | - |
flow-selector | undefined | string | - |
fnl | undefined | string | - |
fnl-selector | undefined | string | - |
fontFamily? | string | Sets the code editor font family. |
fontSize? | number | Sets the font size. If undefined (the default), the font size is set to 14 for the full app and 12 for embeds. Default ts undefined |
formatOnsave? | boolean | If true , the code is automatically formatted on saving the project. Default ts false |
gleam | undefined | string | - |
gleam-selector | undefined | string | - |
go | undefined | string | - |
go-selector | undefined | string | - |
golang | undefined | string | - |
golang-selector | undefined | string | - |
graph | undefined | string | - |
graph-selector | undefined | string | - |
h | undefined | string | - |
h-selector | undefined | string | - |
haml | undefined | string | - |
haml-selector | undefined | string | - |
handlebars | undefined | string | - |
handlebars-selector | undefined | string | - |
hbs | undefined | string | - |
hbs-selector | undefined | string | - |
head? | string | Content added to the result page <head> element. Default ts '<meta charset="UTF-8" />\n<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />' |
headless? | boolean | If true , the playground is loaded in headless mode. Default ts false |
hpp | undefined | string | - |
hpp-selector | undefined | string | - |
htm | undefined | string | - |
htm-selector | undefined | string | - |
html | undefined | string | - |
html-selector | undefined | string | - |
htmlAttrs? | string | Record <string , string > | Attributes added to the result page <html> element. It can be an object or a string. Example ts { lang: "en", class: "dark" } 'lang="en" class="dark"' |
ii | undefined | string | - |
ii-selector | undefined | string | - |
imba | undefined | string | - |
imba-selector | undefined | string | - |
import? | string | A resource to import (from any of the supported sources). |
imports? | { [key: string] : string ; } | Allows specifying custom import maps for module imports. Example Setting imports like this: js "imports": { "moment": "[email protected]/dist/moment.js" } results in the following import map: html <script type="importmap"> { "imports": { "moment": "[email protected]/dist/moment.js" } } </script> See docs for Imports and Custom Module Resolution |
ixx | undefined | string | - |
ixx-selector | undefined | string | - |
jade | undefined | string | - |
jade-selector | undefined | string | - |
javascript | undefined | string | - |
javascript-selector | undefined | string | - |
jl | undefined | string | - |
jl-selector | undefined | string | - |
js | undefined | string | - |
js-selector | undefined | string | - |
json | undefined | string | - |
json-selector | undefined | string | - |
jsx | undefined | string | - |
jsx-selector | undefined | string | - |
julia | undefined | string | - |
julia-selector | undefined | string | - |
lang? | Language | - |
language? | Language | - |
languages? | string | - |
layout? | "horizontal" | "vertical" | "responsive" | Sets the app layout to horizontal or vertical. If set to "responsive" (the default) or undefined , the layout is vertical in small screens when the playground height is larger than its width, otherwise horizontal. Default ts "responsive" |
less | undefined | string | - |
less-selector | undefined | string | - |
lineNumbers? | boolean | "relative" | Show line numbers in code editor. Default ts true |
liquid | undefined | string | - |
liquid-selector | undefined | string | - |
liquidjs | undefined | string | - |
liquidjs-selector | undefined | string | - |
lisp | undefined | string | - |
lisp-selector | undefined | string | - |
lite? | boolean | Deprecated Use { config: { mode: "lite" } } instead If true , the playground is loaded in lite mode. Default ts false |
livescript | undefined | string | - |
livescript-selector | undefined | string | - |
loading? | "click" | "eager" | "lazy" | Sets how the playground loads: - "eager" : The playground loads immediately. - "lazy" : A playground embedded low down in the page will not load until the user scrolls so that it approaches the viewport. - "click" : The playground does not load automatically. Instead, a "Click-to-load" screen is shown. Default ts "lazy" |
ls | undefined | string | - |
ls-selector | undefined | string | - |
lua | undefined | string | - |
lua-selector | undefined | string | - |
lua-wasm | undefined | string | - |
lua-wasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
luawasm | undefined | string | - |
luawasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
malina | undefined | string | - |
malina-selector | undefined | string | - |
malinajs | undefined | string | - |
malinajs-selector | undefined | string | - |
markdown | undefined | string | - |
markdown-selector | undefined | string | - |
markup? | { content? : string ; contentUrl? : string ; hiddenContent? : string ; hiddenContentUrl? : string ; hideTitle? : boolean ; language : Language ; position? : EditorPosition ; selector? : string ; title? : string } | An object that configures the language and content of the markup editor. See docs for details. Default ts { language: "html", content: "" } |
markup.content? | string | The initial content of the code editor. Default ts "" |
markup.contentUrl? | string | A URL to load content from. It has to be a valid URL that is CORS-enabled. The URL is only fetched if content property had no value. |
markup.hiddenContent? | string | Hidden content that gets evaluated without being visible in the code editor. This can be useful in embedded playgrounds (e.g. for adding helper functions, utilities or tests) |
markup.hiddenContentUrl? | string | A URL to load hiddenContent from. It has to be a valid URL that is CORS-enabled. The URL is only fetched if hiddenContent property had no value. |
markup.hideTitle? | boolean | If true , the title of the code editor is hidden, however its code is still evaluated. This can be useful in embedded playgrounds (e.g. for hiding unnecessary code). |
markup.language | Language | A language name, extension or alias (as defined in language documentations). For the list of supported values, see Language |
markup.position? | EditorPosition | The initial position of the cursor in the code editor. Example ts {lineNumber: 5, column: 10} |
markup.selector? | string | A CSS selector to load content from DOM import. |
markup.title? | string | If set, this is used as the title of the editor in the UI, overriding the default title set to the language name (e.g. "Python" can be used instead of "Py (Wasm)" ). |
md | undefined | string | - |
md-selector | undefined | string | - |
mdown | undefined | string | - |
mdown-selector | undefined | string | - |
mdx | undefined | string | - |
mdx-selector | undefined | string | - |
mjml | undefined | string | - |
mjml-selector | undefined | string | - |
mkdn | undefined | string | - |
mkdn-selector | undefined | string | - |
ml | undefined | string | - |
ml-selector | undefined | string | - |
mli | undefined | string | - |
mli-selector | undefined | string | - |
mode? | "focus" | "full" | "result" | "editor" | "lite" | "simple" | "codeblock" | Sets the display mode. Default ts "full" |
mustache | undefined | string | - |
mustache-selector | undefined | string | - |
new? | "" | - |
njk | undefined | string | - |
njk-selector | undefined | string | - |
no-defaults? | boolean | - |
nunjucks | undefined | string | - |
nunjucks-selector | undefined | string | - |
ocaml | undefined | string | - |
ocaml-selector | undefined | string | - |
params? | { appUrl?: string | undefined; params?: ... | undefined; config?: string | (Partial<Config> & string) | undefined; headless?: boolean | undefined; import?: string | undefined; ... 453 more ...; compiled?: "" | ... 5 more ... | undefined; } | undefined | An object that represents the URL Query parameters, that can be used to configure the playground. These 2 snippets produce similar output: js import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes'; // use config createPlayground('#container', { config: { markup: { language: 'markdown', content: '# Hello World!', }, }, }); // use params createPlayground('#container', { params: { md: '# Hello World!' } }); |
perl | undefined | string | - |
perl-selector | undefined | string | - |
pg | undefined | string | - |
pg-selector | undefined | string | - |
pg.sql | undefined | string | - |
pg.sql-selector | undefined | string | - |
pglite | undefined | string | - |
pglite-selector | undefined | string | - |
pglite.sql | undefined | string | - |
pglite.sql-selector | undefined | string | - |
pgsql | undefined | string | - |
pgsql-selector | undefined | string | - |
pgsql.sql | undefined | string | - |
pgsql.sql-selector | undefined | string | - |
php | undefined | string | - |
php-selector | undefined | string | - |
php-wasm | undefined | string | - |
php-wasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
phpwasm | undefined | string | - |
phpwasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
pintora | undefined | string | - |
pintora-selector | undefined | string | - |
pl | undefined | string | - |
pl-selector | undefined | string | - |
plt | undefined | string | - |
plt-selector | undefined | string | - |
pm | undefined | string | - |
pm-selector | undefined | string | - |
postcss | undefined | string | - |
postcss-selector | undefined | string | - |
postgre.sql | undefined | string | - |
postgre.sql-selector | undefined | string | - |
postgres | undefined | string | - |
postgres-selector | undefined | string | - |
postgresql | undefined | string | - |
postgresql-selector | undefined | string | - |
postgresql.sql | undefined | string | - |
postgresql.sql-selector | undefined | string | - |
preview? | boolean | - |
processors? | string | - |
prolog | undefined | string | - |
prolog-selector | undefined | string | - | | undefined | string | - | | undefined | string | - |
pug | undefined | string | - |
pug-selector | undefined | string | - |
py | undefined | string | - |
py-selector | undefined | string | - |
py-wasm | undefined | string | - |
py-wasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
py3 | undefined | string | - |
py3-selector | undefined | string | - |
pyodide | undefined | string | - |
pyodide-selector | undefined | string | - |
python | undefined | string | - |
python-selector | undefined | string | - |
python-wasm | undefined | string | - |
python-wasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
pythonwasm | undefined | string | - |
pythonwasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
pywasm | undefined | string | - |
pywasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
r | undefined | string | - |
r-selector | undefined | string | - |
r-wasm | undefined | string | - |
r-wasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
raw? | Language | - |
rb | undefined | string | - |
rb-selector | undefined | string | - |
re | undefined | string | - |
re-selector | undefined | string | - |
react | undefined | string | - |
react-jsx | undefined | string | - |
react-jsx-selector | undefined | string | - |
react-native | undefined | string | - |
react-native-selector | undefined | string | - |
react-native-tsx | undefined | string | - |
react-native-tsx-selector | undefined | string | - |
react-native.jsx | undefined | string | - |
react-native.jsx-selector | undefined | string | - |
react-native.tsx | undefined | string | - |
react-native.tsx-selector | undefined | string | - |
react-selector | undefined | string | - |
react-tsx | undefined | string | - |
react-tsx-selector | undefined | string | - |
react.jsx | undefined | string | - |
react.jsx-selector | undefined | string | - |
react.tsx | undefined | string | - |
react.tsx-selector | undefined | string | - |
readonly? | boolean | If true , editors are loaded in read-only mode, where the user is not allowed to change the code. By default, when readonly is set to true, the light-weight code editor CodeJar is used. If you wish to use another editor, set the editor property. Default ts false |
reason | undefined | string | - |
reason-selector | undefined | string | - |
recoverUnsaved? | boolean | Enables recovering last unsaved project when the app is reopened. Default ts true |
rei | undefined | string | - |
rei-selector | undefined | string | - |
res | undefined | string | - |
res-selector | undefined | string | - |
rescript | undefined | string | - |
rescript-selector | undefined | string | - |
resi | undefined | string | - |
resi-selector | undefined | string | - |
rich | undefined | string | - |
rich-selector | undefined | string | - |
richtext | undefined | string | - |
richtext-selector | undefined | string | - |
riot | undefined | string | - |
riot-selector | undefined | string | - |
riotjs | undefined | string | - |
riotjs-selector | undefined | string | - |
rlang | undefined | string | - |
rlang-selector | undefined | string | - |
rstats | undefined | string | - |
rstats-selector | undefined | string | - |
rte | undefined | string | - |
rte-selector | undefined | string | - |
rte.html | undefined | string | - |
rte.html-selector | undefined | string | - |
ruby | undefined | string | - |
ruby-selector | undefined | string | - |
ruby-wasm | undefined | string | - |
ruby-wasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
rubywasm | undefined | string | - |
rubywasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
sass | undefined | string | - |
sass-selector | undefined | string | - |
scheme | undefined | string | - |
scheme-selector | undefined | string | - |
scm | undefined | string | - |
scm-selector | undefined | string | - |
screen? | "new" | "open" | "embed" | "sync" | "about" | "welcome" | "add-snippet" | "login" | "info" | "assets" | "add-asset" | "snippets" | "import" | "resources" | "share" | "deploy" | "backup" | "broadcast" | "custom-settings" | "editor-settings" | "code-to-image" | "test-editor" | "keyboard-shortcuts" | - |
script? | { content? : string ; contentUrl? : string ; hiddenContent? : string ; hiddenContentUrl? : string ; hideTitle? : boolean ; language : Language ; position? : EditorPosition ; selector? : string ; title? : string } | An object that configures the language and content of the script editor. See docs for details. Default ts { language: "javascript", content: "" } |
script.content? | string | The initial content of the code editor. Default ts "" |
script.contentUrl? | string | A URL to load content from. It has to be a valid URL that is CORS-enabled. The URL is only fetched if content property had no value. |
script.hiddenContent? | string | Hidden content that gets evaluated without being visible in the code editor. This can be useful in embedded playgrounds (e.g. for adding helper functions, utilities or tests) |
script.hiddenContentUrl? | string | A URL to load hiddenContent from. It has to be a valid URL that is CORS-enabled. The URL is only fetched if hiddenContent property had no value. |
script.hideTitle? | boolean | If true , the title of the code editor is hidden, however its code is still evaluated. This can be useful in embedded playgrounds (e.g. for hiding unnecessary code). |
script.language | Language | A language name, extension or alias (as defined in language documentations). For the list of supported values, see Language |
script.position? | EditorPosition | The initial position of the cursor in the code editor. Example ts {lineNumber: 5, column: 10} |
script.selector? | string | A CSS selector to load content from DOM import. |
script.title? | string | If set, this is used as the title of the editor in the UI, overriding the default title set to the language name (e.g. "Python" can be used instead of "Py (Wasm)" ). |
scripts? | string | - |
scrollPosition? | boolean | - |
scss | undefined | string | - |
scss-selector | undefined | string | - |
semicolons? | boolean | Configures Prettier code formatter to use semi-colons. Default ts true |
showSpacing? | boolean | Enables showing element spacing in the result page. Default ts false |
singleQuote? | boolean | Configures Prettier code formatter to use single quotes instead of double quotes. Default ts false |
solid | undefined | string | - |
solid-selector | undefined | string | - |
solid.jsx | undefined | string | - |
solid.jsx-selector | undefined | string | - |
solid.tsx | undefined | string | - |
solid.tsx-selector | undefined | string | - |
sql | undefined | string | - |
sql-selector | undefined | string | - |
sqlite | undefined | string | - |
sqlite-selector | undefined | string | - |
sqlite3 | undefined | string | - |
sqlite3-selector | undefined | string | - |
stencil | undefined | string | - |
stencil-selector | undefined | string | - |
stencil.tsx | undefined | string | - |
stencil.tsx-selector | undefined | string | - |
styl | undefined | string | - |
styl-selector | undefined | string | - |
style? | { content? : string ; contentUrl? : string ; hiddenContent? : string ; hiddenContentUrl? : string ; hideTitle? : boolean ; language : Language ; position? : EditorPosition ; selector? : string ; title? : string } | An object that configures the language and content of the style editor. See docs for details. Default ts { language: "css", content: "" } |
style.content? | string | The initial content of the code editor. Default ts "" |
style.contentUrl? | string | A URL to load content from. It has to be a valid URL that is CORS-enabled. The URL is only fetched if content property had no value. |
style.hiddenContent? | string | Hidden content that gets evaluated without being visible in the code editor. This can be useful in embedded playgrounds (e.g. for adding helper functions, utilities or tests) |
style.hiddenContentUrl? | string | A URL to load hiddenContent from. It has to be a valid URL that is CORS-enabled. The URL is only fetched if hiddenContent property had no value. |
style.hideTitle? | boolean | If true , the title of the code editor is hidden, however its code is still evaluated. This can be useful in embedded playgrounds (e.g. for hiding unnecessary code). |
style.language | Language | A language name, extension or alias (as defined in language documentations). For the list of supported values, see Language |
style.position? | EditorPosition | The initial position of the cursor in the code editor. Example ts {lineNumber: 5, column: 10} |
style.selector? | string | A CSS selector to load content from DOM import. |
style.title? | string | If set, this is used as the title of the editor in the UI, overriding the default title set to the language name (e.g. "Python" can be used instead of "Py (Wasm)" ). |
stylesheets? | string | - |
stylis | undefined | string | - |
stylis-selector | undefined | string | - |
stylus | undefined | string | - |
stylus-selector | undefined | string | - |
sucrase | undefined | string | - |
sucrase-selector | undefined | string | - |
svelte | undefined | string | - |
svelte-selector | undefined | string | - |
tabSize? | number | The number of spaces per indentation-level. Also used in code formatting. Default ts 2 |
tags? | string | string [] | - |
tcl | undefined | string | - |
tcl-selector | undefined | string | - |
teal | undefined | string | - |
teal-selector | undefined | string | - |
template? | TemplateName | A starter template to load. Allowed valued can be found here. |
tests? | ({ language?: Language | undefined; content?: string | undefined; contentUrl?: string | undefined; hiddenContent?: string | undefined; hiddenContentUrl?: string | undefined; title?: string | undefined; hideTitle?: boolean | undefined; selector?: string | undefined; position?: EditorPosition | undefined; } | undefine... | Configures the language and content of tests. |
theme? | Theme | Sets the app theme to light/dark mode. Default ts "dark" |
themeColor? | string | Sets the app theme color. If undefined , it is set to "hsl(214, 40%, 50%)" . Default ts undefined |
title? | string | Project title. This is used as result page title and title meta tag. Also used in project search. Default ts "Untitled Project" |
tl | undefined | string | - |
tl-selector | undefined | string | - |
tools? | "none" | "closed" | "open" | "full" | "console" | "compiled" | "tests" | "console\|undefined" | "console\|" | "console\|none" | "console\|closed" | "console\|open" | "console\|full" | "compiled\|undefined" | "compiled\|" | "compiled\|none" | "compiled\|closed" | "compiled\|open" | "compiled\|full" | "tests\|undefined" | "tests\|" | "tests\|none" | "tests\|closed" | "tests\|open" | "tests\|full" | "console,console\|undefined" | "console,console\|" | "console,console\|none" | "console,console\|closed" | "console,console\|open" | "console,console\|full" | "console,compiled\|undefined" | "console,compiled\|" | "console,compiled\|none" | "console,compiled\|closed" | "console,compiled\|open" | "console,compiled\|full" | "console,tests\|undefined" | "console,tests\|" | "console,tests\|none" | "console,tests\|closed" | "console,tests\|open" | "console,tests\|full" | "compiled,console\|undefined" | "compiled,console\|" | "compiled,console\|none" | "compiled,console\|closed" | "compiled,console\|open" | "compiled,console\|full" | "compiled,compiled\|undefined" | "compiled,compiled\|" | "compiled,compiled\|none" | "compiled,compiled\|closed" | "compiled,compiled\|open" | "compiled,compiled\|full" | "compiled,tests\|undefined" | "compiled,tests\|" | "compiled,tests\|none" | "compiled,tests\|closed" | "compiled,tests\|open" | "compiled,tests\|full" | "tests,console\|undefined" | "tests,console\|" | "tests,console\|none" | "tests,console\|closed" | "tests,console\|open" | "tests,console\|full" | "tests,compiled\|undefined" | "tests,compiled\|" | "tests,compiled\|none" | "tests,compiled\|closed" | "tests,compiled\|open" | "tests,compiled\|full" | "tests,tests\|undefined" | "tests,tests\|" | "tests,tests\|none" | "tests,tests\|closed" | "tests,tests\|open" | "tests,tests\|full" | "console,console,console\|undefined" | "console,console,console\|" | "console,console,console\|none" | "console,console,console\|closed" | "console,console,console\|open" | "console,console,console\|full" | "console,console,compiled\|undefined" | "console,console,compiled\|" | "console,console,compiled\|none" | "console,console,compiled\|closed" | "console,console,compiled\|open" | "console,console,compiled\|full" | "console,console,tests\|undefined" | "console,console,tests\|" | "console,console,tests\|none" | "console,console,tests\|closed" | "console,console,tests\|open" | "console,console,tests\|full" | "console,compiled,console\|undefined" | "console,compiled,console\|" | "console,compiled,console\|none" | "console,compiled,console\|closed" | "console,compiled,console\|open" | "console,compiled,console\|full" | "console,compiled,compiled\|undefined" | "console,compiled,compiled\|" | "console,compiled,compiled\|none" | "console,compiled,compiled\|closed" | "console,compiled,compiled\|open" | "console,compiled,compiled\|full" | "console,compiled,tests\|undefined" | "console,compiled,tests\|" | "console,compiled,tests\|none" | "console,compiled,tests\|closed" | "console,compiled,tests\|open" | "console,compiled,tests\|full" | "console,tests,console\|undefined" | "console,tests,console\|" | "console,tests,console\|none" | "console,tests,console\|closed" | "console,tests,console\|open" | "console,tests,console\|full" | "console,tests,compiled\|undefined" | "console,tests,compiled\|" | "console,tests,compiled\|none" | "console,tests,compiled\|closed" | "console,tests,compiled\|open" | "console,tests,compiled\|full" | "console,tests,tests\|undefined" | "console,tests,tests\|" | "console,tests,tests\|none" | "console,tests,tests\|closed" | "console,tests,tests\|open" | "console,tests,tests\|full" | "compiled,console,console\|undefined" | "compiled,console,console\|" | "compiled,console,console\|none" | "compiled,console,console\|closed" | "compiled,console,console\|open" | "compiled,console,console\|full" | "compiled,console,compiled\|undefined" | "compiled,console,compiled\|" | "compiled,console,compiled\|none" | "compiled,console,compiled\|closed" | "compiled,console,compiled\|open" | "compiled,console,compiled\|full" | "compiled,console,tests\|undefined" | "compiled,console,tests\|" | "compiled,console,tests\|none" | "compiled,console,tests\|closed" | "compiled,console,tests\|open" | "compiled,console,tests\|full" | "compiled,compiled,console\|undefined" | "compiled,compiled,console\|" | "compiled,compiled,console\|none" | "compiled,compiled,console\|closed" | "compiled,compiled,console\|open" | "compiled,compiled,console\|full" | "compiled,compiled,compiled\|undefined" | "compiled,compiled,compiled\|" | "compiled,compiled,compiled\|none" | "compiled,compiled,compiled\|closed" | "compiled,compiled,compiled\|open" | "compiled,compiled,compiled\|full" | "compiled,compiled,tests\|undefined" | "compiled,compiled,tests\|" | "compiled,compiled,tests\|none" | "compiled,compiled,tests\|closed" | "compiled,compiled,tests\|open" | "compiled,compiled,tests\|full" | "compiled,tests,console\|undefined" | "compiled,tests,console\|" | "compiled,tests,console\|none" | "compiled,tests,console\|closed" | "compiled,tests,console\|open" | "compiled,tests,console\|full" | "compiled,tests,compiled\|undefined" | "compiled,tests,compiled\|" | "compiled,tests,compiled\|none" | "compiled,tests,compiled\|closed" | "compiled,tests,compiled\|open" | "compiled,tests,compiled\|full" | "compiled,tests,tests\|undefined" | "compiled,tests,tests\|" | "compiled,tests,tests\|none" | "compiled,tests,tests\|closed" | "compiled,tests,tests\|open" | "compiled,tests,tests\|full" | "tests,console,console\|undefined" | "tests,console,console\|" | "tests,console,console\|none" | "tests,console,console\|closed" | "tests,console,console\|open" | "tests,console,console\|full" | "tests,console,compiled\|undefined" | "tests,console,compiled\|" | "tests,console,compiled\|none" | "tests,console,compiled\|closed" | "tests,console,compiled\|open" | "tests,console,compiled\|full" | "tests,console,tests\|undefined" | "tests,console,tests\|" | "tests,console,tests\|none" | "tests,console,tests\|closed" | "tests,console,tests\|open" | "tests,console,tests\|full" | "tests,compiled,console\|undefined" | "tests,compiled,console\|" | "tests,compiled,console\|none" | "tests,compiled,console\|closed" | "tests,compiled,console\|open" | "tests,compiled,console\|full" | "tests,compiled,compiled\|undefined" | "tests,compiled,compiled\|" | "tests,compiled,compiled\|none" | "tests,compiled,compiled\|closed" | "tests,compiled,compiled\|open" | "tests,compiled,compiled\|full" | "tests,compiled,tests\|undefined" | "tests,compiled,tests\|" | "tests,compiled,tests\|none" | "tests,compiled,tests\|closed" | "tests,compiled,tests\|open" | "tests,compiled,tests\|full" | "tests,tests,console\|undefined" | "tests,tests,console\|" | "tests,tests,console\|none" | "tests,tests,console\|closed" | "tests,tests,console\|open" | "tests,tests,console\|full" | "tests,tests,compiled\|undefined" | "tests,tests,compiled\|" | "tests,tests,compiled\|none" | "tests,tests,compiled\|closed" | "tests,tests,compiled\|open" | "tests,tests,compiled\|full" | "tests,tests,tests\|undefined" | "tests,tests,tests\|" | "tests,tests,tests\|none" | "tests,tests,tests\|closed" | "tests,tests,tests\|open" | "tests,tests,tests\|full" | - |
trailingComma? | boolean | Configures Prettier code formatter to use trailing commas. Default ts true |
ts | undefined | string | - |
ts-selector | undefined | string | - |
tsx | undefined | string | - |
tsx-selector | undefined | string | - |
twig | undefined | string | - |
twig-selector | undefined | string | - |
types? | {} | Allows providing custom TypeScript type declarations for better editor intellisense. It is an object where each key represents module name and value represents the types. See docs for Types and Custom Types Example js { "types": { "my-demo-lib": "https://my-custom-domain/my-type-declarations.d.ts" } } Example { "types": { "my-demo-lib": { "url": "https://my-custom-domain/types.d.ts", "autoload": true, "declareAsModule": true } } |
typescript | undefined | string | - |
typescript-selector | undefined | string | - |
useTabs? | boolean | If true , lines are indented with tabs instead of spaces. Also used in code formatting. Default ts false |
vento | undefined | string | - |
vento-selector | undefined | string | - |
version? | string | This is a read-only property which specifies the current LiveCodes version. Version specified in exported projects allows automatically upgrading the project configuration when imported by an app with a newer version. |
view? | "split" | "result" | "editor" | Deprecated The view option has been moved to config.view . For headless mode use headless: true . The default view for the playground. When set to "headless" , the playground is loaded in headless mode. Default ts "split" |
vto | undefined | string | - |
vto-selector | undefined | string | - |
vue | undefined | string | - |
vue-selector | undefined | string | - |
vue2 | undefined | string | - |
vue2-selector | undefined | string | - |
vue3 | undefined | string | - |
vue3-selector | undefined | string | - |
wasm | undefined | string | - |
wasm-selector | undefined | string | - |
wasm.cpp | undefined | string | - |
wasm.cpp-selector | undefined | string | - |
wasm.lua | undefined | string | - |
wasm.lua-selector | undefined | string | - |
wasm.php | undefined | string | - |
wasm.php-selector | undefined | string | - | | undefined | string | - | | undefined | string | - |
wasm.rb | undefined | string | - |
wasm.rb-selector | undefined | string | - |
wast | undefined | string | - |
wast-selector | undefined | string | - |
wat | undefined | string | - |
wat-selector | undefined | string | - |
webassembly | undefined | string | - |
webassembly-selector | undefined | string | - |
welcome? | boolean | If true , the welcome screen is displayed when the app loads. |
wordWrap? | boolean | Enables word-wrap for long lines. Default ts false |
x? | string | - |
xht | undefined | string | - |
xht-selector | undefined | string | - |
xml | undefined | string | - |
xml-selector | undefined | string | - |
zoom? | 1 | 0.5 | 0.25 | Sets result page zoom level. |
Defined in
• Optional
template: TemplateName
A starter template to load. Allowed valued can be found here.
Defined in
• Optional
view: "split"
| "result"
| "editor"
| "headless"
The view
option has been moved to config.view
For headless mode use headless: true
The default view for the playground.
When set to "headless"
, the playground is loaded in headless mode.